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Our Hero - Medgar Evers

by Willie White

Medgar Evers is one of my heroes. We are from the same state. I read a lot about him when I was a kid. I Love this Man and what he stood for. He stood for us all and he died for us all.

Reflecting for a moment, after a long day at work, drive home to be with your wife and kids. They are waiting up for you and you pull into your driveway. They hear your car and then, they hear a gun shot, a coward shot him in the back. His wife and kids race outside to find him crawling on the ground to make it to his front door, blood everywhere. Just like that, he's gone. Taken away from his family. My heart hurts to write this. His Spirit Lives Forever in my heart.

The Autobiography of Medgar Evers: A Hero’s Life and Legacy Revealed Through His Writings, Letters, and Speeches

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