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City responded to AVillage's petition on Lincoln stairs

AVillage members first became aware of the dangerous condition of the stairs to the Lincoln Park Bowl during the first Mississippi Day celebration there in 2012. Over the next several years we wrote letters, talked to our elected officials and sent members to speak to the Albany City Council. On October 21, our voices were heard! 

In short, the city government promised that a new ramp and staircase connecting the Lincoln Park's roadways to the lower grassy bowl will be built next year. The park will then be more accessible to people with disabilities. More information on
Times Union news Ramp to replace staircase reported by Jordan Carleo-Evangelist on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. 

However, it is too early to claim success. AVillage will continue to follow up on this issue and ensure the ramp and stairs will be constructed as residents’ needs.

Please feel free to email or call AVillage with any questions you may have, or any suggestions or ideas about how we can make our community a better place, together.


My Brother's Keeper

AVillage New Initiative is a long time coming but it's never too late to help our young brothers in their effort to become men of honor in their communities. This new initiative will need all of us to lend a helping hand. 

If you would like to get involved with AVillage and this great effort, please contact me and I will gladly give you more details as to how we can all make a difference in these young men lives. My number is 518-859-4305, email is avillage5@aol.com, thank you.

More information about My Brother's Keeper: http://mbkchallenge.org


Save the Ladder 1

Our Ladder Truck has been SAVED!!!~ Thank You Mayor Sheehan and the Common Council, Lead by Common Council President Carolyn McLaughlin. Our Leaders are the Best!


AVillage's Weekly Meetings

AVillage's Weekly Meetings...Please Join Us Every Thursday From 5:30pm-7:30pm...It's exciting!!! Lot's of Great Planning. Where Your opinion matters. We have a new meeting location, we now meet at the new Capital South Campus Center, located at 20 Warren Street Room 302A

Hope to see you there! Today and every Thursday!