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There Had Better Be A Plan B

The strategy for dealing with the air pollution and its health effects at Ezra Prentice Homes is now clear. In addition to a slew of mitigation measures to reduce diesel truck emissions, seal up and air condition the homes of the residents who live close to South Pearl Street and offer more health counseling and services, Plan A is to divert all truck traffic to a newly reconstructed road network inside the Port of Albany. 

The Times Union reports that U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer was at the Port on Monday with a “something for everybody” list of federal funding that would help usher in the region’s jump to the clean economy. The Port of Albany is competing for a slice of the multi billion-dollar off-shore wind farm initiatives being pushed by New York and other eastern shore states. As manly as 1,600 jobs regionally would result, he said. 

Schumer’s press release mentions in his $25 million package an unspecified amount for the new interior road network. However, the senator’s letter to the Department of Transportation in support of the Port’s grant application does not mention funding for the interior road. 

Are we to conclude that this funding is separate. If so, it is most probably slated to be part of the Capital Region’s Transportation Improvement Plan. If so, there is still more uncertainty since the regional TIP five-year plan won’t be decided on until later next year, and no new roads would be built until 2023 at the earliest. Keep in mind all this money is in the request stage. The Port will be in stiff competition, and as yet we have no idea of the costs for the interior roadway. 

Plans and funding for this interior road are certainly questions to be asked at the DEC hearing Wednesday evening. 

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